by Michael E. Salla, PhD
Center for Global Peace/School of International Service
American University, Washington DC


Table of Contents

  1. Birth of the Black Budget

  2. Legal and Congressional Efforts to Disclose the CIA’s Black Budget

  3. HUD’s Missing Money, Catherine Fitts, Hamilton Securities and the CIA

  4. The Ultimate Beneficiary for the CIA ‘Black Budget’: The Intelligence Community and the Second Manhattan Project

  5. Organized Crime, Drugs, and the CIA

  6. Estimating the Size of the CIA’s ‘unofficial’ Black Budget

  7. Table 2. Department of Defense (DoD) – Unsupported Accounting Entries 1998-2003

  8. Conventional Oversight System for the CIA’s and DoD’s Classified Programs

  9. Oversight of the CIA’s ‘Unofficial’ Black Budget & Manhattan II